WeBBusterZ Engineering 应用

Pipe Diameter Calculator 4.0.4
Calculate the diameter of any pipe using this calculator.
Pumping power calculator 7.0.2
WeBBusterZ Engineering
Pumping power calculator will accept input in SI and Metricmeasurement units and will calculate the following: 1) Pumphydraulic power 2) Shaft power 3) Motor power The calculationresults are displayed in four different measurement units. Btu/hrkW hp (British) hp (Metric) This version doesn't contain anyadverts and doesn't need internet connection
Pipe Friction Factor Free 3.0.2
Calculate the pipe friction factor using this application, Thecalculator allows you to calculate the Darcy friction factor alsocommonly obtained from the Moody chart and also calculate theFanning friction factor. The calculator will request the followinginput: Reynolds' Number, Pipe Diameter and the Pipe SurfaceRoughness The calculated result produces the following output:Relative Roughness Darcy Friction Factor Fanning Friction FactorThere are two different equations that the calculator uses based onuser choice, You can choose from either CHURCHILL EQUATION orCOLEBROOK-WHITE EQUATION The App will do iteration to compute thefriction factor if the Colebrook-White equation is used. Bothequations produce a close estimate and would save time instead oflooking up charts. The App accepts input in two different units, SIUnits and US Units. There is a small database for different pipematerials that include values for Surface Roughness taken fromliterature, The material list is below: Copper, Glass, Plastic,Brass, Iron, Steel, Concrete, Rubber DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREEVERSION AND PAID VERSION================================================ To support thedevelopment of mobile applications: Free version has adverts Freeversion REQUIRES internet WIFI connection to operate FEEDBACK ANDREVIEWS ===================== I accept your opinion on thisapplication and off course like anyone else on this store I like tosee positive rating and feedback. Please leave only constructivefeedback. NEW USERS ========== Try this application and makeup yourown mind about it, don't be influenced by other opinions.
Erosional Velocity Calc. Lite 3.0.4
Calculate the Erosional velocity for a fluid in pipes as per API RP14E
API Gravity Calculator 2.0.0
The API gravity or American PetroleumInstitute gravity is a term often used to measure how heavy orlight a petroleum liquid is comparing to water. This applicationallows you to perform any of the following operations:+ Calculating the API gravity from Liquid density or specificgravity or preloaded database of fluids.+ Calculate the specific gravity from API gravity+ Calculate the Barrels of crude oil per metric ton from APIGravity or select a fluid from the preloaded fluids database toperform the calculation+ Find the classification of oil according to API gravity (Lightoil, Medium oil, Heavy oil or Exra heavy oil)The database has the available liquids below:PropaneButaneGasolineKeroseneNo. 1 Fuel oilNo. 2 Fuel oilJet fuel JP-4Jet fuel JP-5BenzeneGas oilsJet fuelPeanut oilPetroleum oilOlive oilOctaneHexaneHeptaneDieselThis version doesn't require internet connection and doesn'thave any adverts.
API Gravity Calculator Free 2.0.0
The API gravity or American PetroleumInstitute gravity is a term often used to measure how heavy orlight a petroleum liquid is comparing to water. This applicationallows you to perform any of the following operations:+ Calculating the API gravity from Liquid density or specificgravity or preloaded database of fluids.+ Calculate the specific gravity from API gravity+ Calculate the Barrels of crude oil per metric ton from APIGravity or select a fluid from the preloaded fluids database toperform the calculation+ Find the classification of oil according to API gravity (Lightoil, Medium oil, Heavy oil or Exra heavy oil)The database has the available liquids below:PropaneButaneGasolineKeroseneNo. 1 Fuel oilNo. 2 Fuel oilJet fuel JP-4Jet fuel JP-5BenzeneGas oilsJet fuelPeanut oilPetroleum oilOlive oilOctaneHexaneHeptaneDieselDIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE VERSION AND PAID VERSION================================================To support the development of mobile applications:Free version has banner advertsFree version REQUIRES internet WIFI connection to operateThere is a version that doesn't have adverts and will notrequire any internet connection click on the link below for thisversionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=webbusterz.api_gravityFEEDBACK AND REVIEWS=====================I accept your opinion on this application and off course likeanyone else on this store I like to see positive rating andfeedback. Please leave only constructive feedback.NEW USERS==========Try this application and makeup your own mind about it, don't beinfluenced by other opinions.
Process Eng Calculator 3.0.0
Process Engineering Calculator offer acollection of tools to aid productivity. The calculator combines anumber of different calculators that was published by webbusterz inthis store. The main purpose is to provide the users a bundle ofcalculators combined into one application instead of separatelyinstalling each application published by webbusterz.This version of the application has no adverts, if you want totry any of the calculators included in this version you can do soby downloading the calculator application separately from Googleplay store on the link below:https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=WeBBusterZ%20EngineeringThe application has the following calculators included initiallywith the potential of new tools added to this applicationregularly.(For a complete list of features provided by each tool please visitthe link above and check each calculator.)1- API Gravity CalculatorCalculating the API gravity from Liquid density or specificgravity, Calculate the Barrels of crude oil per metric ton from APIGravity, Calculate the specific gravity from API gravity, Find theclassification of oil according to API gravity, preloaded databaseof fluids is included.2- Erosional Velocity CalculatorCalculate Erosional velocity in pipes based on equations that areprovided in API RP 14E,This app will also calculate the Mixture density and the Minimumpipe cross sectional area.3- Heat Duty CalculatorCalculate the duty or heat rate for sensible heat transfer andlatent heat transfer.4- Linear Interpolation CalculatorPerform linear interpolation using this calculator, helpful whenyou try to interpolate values from steam tables or other tabulateddata tables.5- Liquid Height in Horizontal tanks CalculatorCalculate the liquid height in a horizontal cylinder, support thefollowing cylinder ends; Flat Ends, ASME F&D (Dished Ends),Elliptical Ends and Hemispherical Ends6- Log Mean Temperature Difference CalculatorCalculate the LMTD for Counter current flow and Co-current flowalso called (Parallel flow)7- MMSCFD ConverterConvert a list of 29 units to Million Metric Standard Cubic Feetper Day, also support converting from Million Metric Standard CubicFeet per Day to any of the listed 29 units.8- Partial Volume of Tank CalculatorCalculate the Partial and Total Volume of Tank using thisapplication (horizontal cylindrical vessels/tanks only)9- Pipe Diameter CalculatorCalculate the Pipe area and pipe diameter, The application has apredefined list of services the includes typical velocities thatcan be used for the velocity input, the purpose of this is toprovide a quick estimate.10- Pumping Power CalculatorCalculate the Pump hydraulic power, Shaft power and Motor power11- Sonic Velocity CalculatorCalculates the sonic velocity (Speed of Sound) of a specified gasflowing in a pipe. The calculator has a small database that contain51 gases and their specific heat ratio along with their molecularweights for quick reference12- Wave Length CalculatorCalculate a particle wavelength using de Broglie wavelengthequation.Can also calculate the velocity or mass based on the sameequation.13- Pipe Friction FactorCalculate the Darcy and Fanning friction factors as well as therelative roughness using two different equations, Churchill andColebrook-White equations.14- Cavitation numberCalculate the cavitation number15- Cavitation CoefficientCalculate centrifugal pump cavitation coefficientWhen you purchase this application you will get free updatesthat will include the newly added tools whenever this listing isupdated
Sonic Velocity in Pipes Lite 3.0.4
Calculate gas sonic velocity in pipes
Liquid Height in Tanks 3.0.0
Liquid Height in Tanks Calculator allows youto calculate the liquid height in a horizontal cylinder using thisapplication. The calculator supports the following cylindricalends:+ Flat Ends+ ASME F&D (Dished Ends)+ Elliptical Ends+ Hemispherical EndsThis calculator will take the following input:+ Volume of liquid in cylinder (Accepts input in m3, mm3, inch3,ft3, Gallon (UK), Gallon (US), Barrel (Oil), Liter, Pint (UK), Pint(US)+ Length of tank / vessel (Accepted input in m, mm, inch, ft)+ Diameter of tank / vessel (Accepted input in m, mm, inch, ft)The calculation will estimate the liquid height in the tank anddisplay it in one of the units belowm, mm, inch or ftThis version of the application contains no adverts
Heat duty calculator 4.0.0
Heat duty calculator allows you to calculatethe duty or heat rate for sensible heat transfer and latent heattransfer. The flow rate can be specified as volumetric or mass flowrate. Density input is required when the flow rate is specified byvolume.The calculator support SI Units and English (US) units ofmeasurements.Flow rate input units - m3/s, m3/h, m3/day, ft3/s, ft3/h,ft3/day, kg/s, kg/h, kg/day, lb/s, lb/h, lb/dayThe output heat rate (Duty) is calculated in kW, Btu/h, hp(British), hp (Metric)This version of the application contains no adverts and doesn'tneed internet connection
Liquid Height in Tanks Free 3.0.0
Liquid Height in Tanks Calculator allows youto calculate the liquid height in a horizontal cylinder using thisapplication. The calculator supports the following cylindricalends:+ Flat Ends+ ASME F&D (Dished Ends)+ Elliptical Ends+ Hemispherical EndsThis calculator will take the following input:+ Volume of liquid in cylinder (Accepts input in m3, mm3, inch3,ft3, Gallon (UK), Gallon (US), Barrel (Oil), Liter, Pint (UK), Pint(US)+ Length of tank / vessel (Accepted input in m, mm, inch, ft)+ Diameter of tank / vessel (Accepted input in m, mm, inch, ft)The calculation will estimate the liquid height in the tank anddisplay it in one of the units belowm, mm, inch or ftDIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE VERSION AND PAID VERSION================================================To support the development of mobile applications:Free version has banner advertsFree version REQUIRES internet WIFI connection to operateFEEDBACK AND REVIEWS=====================I accept your opinion on this application and off course likeanyone else on this store I like to see positive rating andfeedback. Please leave only constructive feedback.NEW USERS==========Try this application and makeup your own mind about it, don't beinfluenced by other opinions.
Heat duty calculator Lite 5.0.4
Calculate the duty or heat rate for sensible and latent heattransfer
Interpolation Calculator Free 5.0
Perform linear interpolation using thiscalculator, helpful when you try to interpolate values from steamtables or other tabulated data tables.This free version of this app has an advert located at the top ofthe app and will need internet connection. If you don't want to seethe advert there is another version offered without adverts andwill not need internet connection. This is to support thedevelopment of apps.
MMScfd Converter Free 5.0.0
MMScfd converter will convert your flow ratefrom any of the measurements units in the list of 29 units below toMillion Metric Standard Cubic Feet per Day.MMScfd is a measurement unit that defines a gas flow rate andcommonly used for flow rate of Natural gas, LPG and extracted gasesin the oil and gas industry. This app allow you to input/changeparameters such as operating pressure, operating temperature,standard pressure and standard temperature to calculate theconverted flow rate.Below is a list of units that the converter currently support (thisapp will convert from or to MMScfd)+ kg/d, kg/h, kg/min, kg/s+ lb/d, lb/h, lb/min, lb/s+ ft3/d, ft3/h, ft3/min, ft3/s+ m3/d, m3/h, m3/min, m3/s+ Sm3/d, Sm3/h, Sm3/min, Sm3/sat 14.7 psia (1 Atm) & 60 F (15.5 C)+ Scm3/d, Scm3/h, Scm3/min, Scm3/sat 14.7 psia (1 Atm) & 60 F (15.5 C)+ Sft3/d, Sft3/h, Sft3/min, Sft3/sat 14.7 psia (1 Atm) & 60 F (15.5 C)+ Nm3/hat 1 Atm (14.7 psia) & 0 C (32 F)The application contains 64 molecular weights for some commongases for convenienceDIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE VERSION AND PAID VERSION================================================To support the development of mobile applications:Free version has advertsFree version REQUIRES internet WIFI connection to operateFEEDBACK AND REVIEWS=====================I accept your opinion on this application and off course likeanyone else on this store I like to see positive rating andfeedback. Please leave only constructive feedback.NEW USERS==========Try this application and makeup your own mind about it, don't beinfluenced by other opinions.
Volume of Tank Calculator 6.0.3
Calculate the Partial and Total Volume of Tank using thisapplication.
Interpolation Calculator 5.0.0
Perform linear interpolation using thiscalculator, helpful when you try to interpolate values from steamtables or other tabulated data tables.To support development there are two versions of this app one thatis Free (contain adverts and need internet connection) and theother is paid with no adverts and doesn't need internetconnection.
Erosional Velocity Calculator 2.0.0
Process engineers calculate Erosional velocityin pipes to define the maximum velocity that a fluid can travel ina pipeline and based on finding they define an operational velocitylimit. This is important as higher velocities can cause pipeerosion over time. This application uses a common recommendedpractice equations that are provided in API RP 14E to estimate theerosional velocity, having said recommended practice, it'simportant to point out that different operators have their ownguidelines on this issue, if you see any room for improving thisapplication let me know.The application will calculate following:+ Mixture Density+ Erosional velocity+ Minimum pipe cross sectional areaThe input is available in SI and US Units of measurement.If the Mixture density is defined the application will notcalculate the Cross sectional area, to calculate the mixturedensity and the cross sectional area, extra input is needed,Operation Temperature, Pressure, Gas/Liquid ratio, gascompressibility factor, gas specific gravity and liquid specificgravity.The erosional velocity calculator also has predefined set valuesof the equation empirical constant "C" for the following set ofservice conditionsContinuous non-corrosive service - (Factor available assumes cleanfluid and carbon steel pipe material)Intermittent non-corrosive service - (Factor available assumesclean fluid and carbon steel pipe material)Continuous corrosive service - (Factor available assumes cleanfluid and corrosion resistant pipe material)Intermittent corrosive service - (Factor available assumes cleanfluid and corrosion resistant pipe material)THIS VERSION OF THE APPLICATION DOESN'T REQUIRE INTERNETCONNECTION AND DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY ADVERTS.
Wavelength Calculator Lite 3.0.3
Calculate the Wavelength using de Broglie equation.
Wavelength Calculator 4.0.3
Calculate the Wavelength using de Broglie equation.
Pipe Diameter Calculator Lite 5.0.4
Calculate the diameter of any pipe using this calculator
Volume of Tank Calculator Free 6.0.2
Calculate the Partial Volume and Total Volume of Tank using thisapplication. The calculator is suitable for horizontal cylindricalvessels/tanks. The input required is: + Liquid height in vessel,Tank internal diameter and the Cylindrical length The input unitsaccepted are: inch, m, mm, ft + Vessel/Tank Head type, theapplication support Flat heads, ASME F&D (Dished) heads,Elliptical 2:1 Heads and Hemispherical heads. The output calculatedis the partial volume of liquid in the vessel and the total volumeof the tank, the output results can be displayed in the 13 unitsbelow: + m3 + mm3 + inch3 + ft3 + Gallon (UK) + Gallon (US) +Barrel (Oil) + Liter (L) + Centi Liter (cL) + Deka Liter (dal) +Pint (UK) + Pint (US) + yd3 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE VERSION ANDPAID VERSION ================================================ Tosupport the development of mobile applications: Free version hasbanner adverts Free version REQUIRES internet WIFI connection tooperate FEEDBACK AND REVIEWS ===================== I accept youropinion on this application and off course like anyone else on thisstore I like to see positive rating and feedback. Please leave onlyconstructive feedback. NEW USERS ========== Try this applicationand makeup your own mind about it, don't be influenced by otheropinions.
Antoine Equation Lite 2.0.5
Calculate fluid Vapor Pressure or Temperature using AntoineEquation
Gas Sonic Velocity in Pipes 3.0.3
Calculate gas sonic velocity in pipes
Pumping power calculator Lite 7.0.4
Calculate the Pump hydraulic power, shaft power and motor power forpumps
Cavitation Coefficient 2.0.3
WeBBusterZ Engineering
Cavitation coefficient is used for Fluid flow in centrifugalpump.this application uses the following equation to calculatetheCavitation coefficient. C = [ (dP/p.g) + (u^2/2.g) - h ] / HWhere;C - is the Cavitation coefficient dP - is the pressuredifferentialp - is the fluid density u - is the fluid velocity g -is thegravitational acceleration h - head loss due to friction insuctionline H - is the pump head or pumping height The calculatorcan alsocalculate the pump head providing that the Cavitationcoefficientis defined. Input can be specified in different unitsofmeasurements as shown below: Pressure - bar, kPa, Pa, psi,lb/ft2Density - kg/m3, lb/ft3 Velocity - m/s, ft/s Head Loss &PumpHead - m, ft Gravitational acceleration - m/s2, ft/s2 Thisversionof the app contains no adverts.
Math Multiplication Genius 2.0.4
Math multiplication genius is a game challenge for every user inmultiplication
MMScfd Converter 6.0.3
Convert your flow rate to Million Metric Standard Cubic Feet perDay (MMSCFD)
Antoine Equation 2.0.4
Calculate fluid Vapor Pressure or Temperature using AntoineEquation
Cavitation Number Lite 3.0.1
Calculate the Cavitation Number & back calculate all equationvariables
Math Addition Genius 2.0.5
Practice mathematics addition using this application, challengesadding numbers
Cavitation Number 2.0.4
Calculate the Cavitation Number & back calculate all equationvariables
Various Sound Effects 1.0.1
Sound effects app offers realistic sounds from over 1100 sounds in25 categories
Sound effects player 1.0.1
Sound effects app offers realistic sounds from over 1100 sounds in25 categories
Pressure Units Converter 1.0.0
Convert 41 pressure units using this app. The converter canconvertbetween the units listed below: barads bars baryes dynes persquarecentimeter feet of air [0 °C] feet of air [15 °C] feet ofhead feetof mercury [0 °C] feet of water [4 °C] gigabarsgigapascals inchsof air [0 °C] inchs of air [15 °C] inchs ofmercury [0 °C] inchs ofwater [4 °C] kilobars kilopascals kips persquare foot kips persquare inch megabars megapascals meters of air[0 °C] meters of air[15 °C] microbars millibars millipascalsnewtons per square meternewtons per square millimeter ounces persquare inch pascals piezespounds per square foot pounds per squareinch technical atmosphereterapascals tonnes per square foot [long]tonnes per square foot[short] tonnes per square inch [long] tonnesper square inch[short] tonnes per square meter torrs In summary: •Convert between41 pressure units • simple to use only select theunit and enterthe number you want to convert. • fast conversionsand can work offline This app contains a banner advert that isdisplayed on eachscreen
Cavitation Coefficient Lite 2.0.3
Calculate the cavitation coefficient for a centrifugal pump
Temperature Converter 2.0.5
Convert between temperatures using 8 different temperature scales